Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening

Teeth Bleaching

Teeth Bleaching

Istanbul Teeth whitening is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to make your smile beautiful. Only safe and effective high-quality whitening products should be used and our dentists in our clinic Istanbul Turkey will check your teeth thoroughly to ensure that this treatment is appropriate for you. There are two ways to teeth belaching – Office teeth whitening and Home teeth whitening
Teeth Whitening

Office Teeth Whitening

This treatment is ideal if you want to whiten quickly. Our dentists will take some precautions to protect your lips and gums before applying your teeth with whitening gel. The gel is activated by a laser that helps the teeth penetrate more easily and produces faster results. This procedure can be repeated several times during the treatment and at the end, your teeth will become whiter a few tons of color.

Office Teeth Bleaching

We use worldwide proven to be effective and safest Biolase laser system. It is one of the most preferred and has the most long lasting result. We apply 2 times per 15 minutes a total of 30 minutes in one session. After that treatment patients reported that none to less sensitivity on their teeth. Post-op instructions for office bleaching:


  • Do not smoke for 48 hours
  • Avoid foods and beverages that stain (red sauce, blueberries, juice, coffee, tea, etc.)
  • Mild sensitivity to hot or cold liquids may occur.  This usually passes within 1 – 2 days.  If sensitivity persists, we recommend taking over the counter pain medication.  We recommend combining two Ibuprofens (such as Motrin) with two Acetaminophens (such as Tylenol).
  • If you experience gum sensitivity do not brush the afflicted area while brushing your teeth.
  • Immediate whitening results can be quite dramatic due to minor dehydration of your teeth.  It is normal for the color to tone down somewhat after treatment when your teeth rehydrate to a natural white tone.
  • Long term results vary from patient to patient.  This can depend on the original shade of your teeth and include habits such as smoking or drinking colored beverages (red wine, coffee, tea, etc.)
  • Touch-up treatments may be needed every 6-12 months to retain color. 
  • Existing fillings, crowns, bonding, etc. will not whiten.  Therefore, these may need to be changed in order to match your new smile.
Teeth Bleaching
Teeth whitening Istanbul Turkey

Home Teeth Whitening

They are equally effective but allow you to whiten teeth for up to two weeks in the privacy of your home. The dentist will specially prepare the bleaching template to fit your teeth precisely and comfortably. Professional strong whitening gel and instructions on how to use your kit will be given.

Home Teeth Bleaching

  1. Brush and floss teeth.
  2. Take the syringe out of the kit.  Remove the cap and insert a tip by twisting it securely onto the syringe.
  3. Place a small drop of gel into every compartment of the tray for all the teeth undergoing treatment.
  4. Place the tray into your mouth, over your teeth.
  5. Some of the gel may ooze out over the tray and onto your surrounding gums and tissue.  Wipe away this excess gel with a tissue or dry soft brush.
  6. Wear the trays for 30 minutes, twice a day, unless otherwise instructed by our team.
  7. After treatment, remove tray.  Rinse tray and mouth with lukewarm water.
  8. Brush teeth.
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 daily until all of the gel is used.

For effective results:


  • Do not eat, drink or smoke during treatment.
  • Do not smoke immediately after treatment – wait for at least two hours.
  • Foods and drinks containing strong colors should be avoided for at least 48 hours after the treatment.
  • Use gel at room temperature.
  • Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
  • Do not use gel after expiration date.
Teeth Whitening is not a once on a lifetime event – your results will fade over time. How long whitening lasts varies between each individual and depends on a number of factors, including: age, starting tooth shade, history of trauma to teeth, diet, oral hygiene, and smoking.


Contact Us


Our clinic is located just opposite of the Emergency of Bakirkoy Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital and it is only 7 minutes (500 meters) walking distance to Bahcelievler Metro or Metrobus station.Atatürk Airport is just 4, Otogar is 6 subway stops away.

Information used in site content is for informational purposes only. This information can not be used for diagnosis or treatment purposes.

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